Expectations + JetLag + Good Fruit


Every time we prepare for a trip, we have a conversation about our expectations. After expectations are formed, we lower them. We've learned to make room for the inevitabilities of life. It helps a great deal facing trips like these; there's always just so much to process. We were preparing for jetlag, culture-shock, and sickness in addition to typical travel concerns.

 As always, before we left, I was praying. I started praying the Holy Spirit would be with us on our trip and that our trip would be wildly smooth. Mid way through, I was reminded of the passage in that Good book-the one about how the fruit of the Spirit is Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Long-suffering... You know the one.

While processing, I sensed I was caught in a bit of a discrepancy. Here I was praying for convenient circumstances, yet I was praying for the company that is most needed in circumstances inconvenient. I tend to not need patience when I get first in line. I don't need to suffer long when there's nothing to struggle under. There's no need for gentle when everybody in my family is thriving well and feeling secure.

What I mean to say is, if I really want to have the Holy Spirit join us, I need to be open to the idea of getting to see the good fruit of his company. I may get to have circumstances that require patience, peace, kindness...long suffering. Basically, I began to expect interruptions.

This inner dialogue really set the tone for this trip. I changed my heart to choose what I knew I needed. I need His company far more than smooth circumstances. And God has provided his company. He's given plenty of opportunity for us to feel the fruit of the Holy Spirit and walk in them. 

We've had some Looooooooooonngggg travel days (with sickness, delays, broken seats, and unkindness.) and the jetlag has been a nasty, nasty beast. We've been given a lot of chances to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It's been an encouragement. If anyone knows me-you know how beastly I get without sleep, so to see our days marked with anything fruitful is clear evidence of His good work in us.  The 4 am wakeup calls HAVE allowed for some pretty sweet walks. Nothing beats showing your kids the sunrise.
This trip has been marked with God pulling through. Right now my kidlets are all un-jetlagged and napping. Despite the struggles of this trip so far, we've gotten to spend some quality time with my side of our family. Soon we'll get to be part of a sweet celebration of my dear friend as she gets married. Then we'll continue our travels with Ben's side of our family.

We're really still in the first third of our trip and it's already been rich with experiences. I'm grateful for that. My phone has shattered, and I washed another electronic in the washing machine (face-palm) I may have forgot to close the trunk of a car and our luggage got to fly prematurely-into the highway.
But again, Peace, patience, kindness, long-suffering.....that fruit is getting to show up all up in this place.

We've also visited a small zoo, gotten to go to a place FILLED with bouncy houses, visited target TWICE, and gotten to nosh on our favorite eats. We've spent time with family and had meaningful conversations and played a plenty in kiddie pools and riding on Papa's fourwheeler. There's been a good amount of ice cream and playgrounds and cuddles.

All this to say, it sure is  nice to be back on American soil. Eowyn is LOVING cousin time and we're loving it too. This country holds a whole lot of wonderful people. I love our people.

So grateful for this time here, even the messy bits.

1 comment :

  1. Be so blessed with multitude of fruit in every circumstance you meet!
