

...appreciating the groove we've had for the past several months with Eowyn. She's a rhythm girl for sure. I used to be scared to tell people we were routine people and that we give a thumbs up to sleep training, scheduling etc. But after going on several months of sleeping through these nights, and having steady naps and having a kid who is all giggles and smiles all the time-I'm kind of in love with it.  And while there's definitely a lot of give and take, and no kid is alike,  and there have definitely been a handful or two of days that just sucked-no naps etc., Eowyn knows what's coming next and is pretty much always happy as pie. I like that. 

...LOVING our new ikea t.v. stand. We've slowly been saving to replace our furniture as most of it has been given to us or was found by the side of the road/scored off craigslist. This beauty looks so clean and pretty and now I don't have to worry about Eowyn eating an electrical cord. So, thats nice.

...digging summer and the things it does to my hair.  I rarely use shampoo (some of you are grossed out by that...but I scrub good with water!) and its caused this curly mane to not be frizz crazy. Which in the summer is nice since I basically forget to look at myself for 3 months straight.

...laughing at the EXPLOSION of sounds coming out of my daughter's mouth. I have some money bet on her being an early talker. She loves going high and low with those vocals and is making pretty much every sound possible. I like that her little gibber gabber has become the soundtrack to my summer. 

...Loving this video about modesty and the bikini, and this post on a mama's views on her body after a baby. I've been thinking a lot about beauty and how to teach that to E. I've loved the conversations I've had with Ben and with several of my friends.

...Wearing these bad boys everywhere. I read a book once (a cheesy christian e-novel that has 'episodes' and never ends-so I won't even bother telling you its name) that has a bit about buying things that will last for years rather than months. I've read so many reviews that saltwaters are the shoes of people's summers for 1/2 decades and on, so I saved up my fun money and bought these bad boys. So far I love them.

 ...going on walks every morning, and meeting Jesus. I sometimes wish I could track on a graph the highs and lows of my relationship with Jesus. Lately, Its been good. So good.  There's been a lot of peace through trials and a lot of humbling moments this season and I'm learning how to be thankful for that.

...Eowyn now points at everything which has me talking about everything she points. I'm agreeing with the universe of moms that have all told me that becoming a mom makes you more aware of everything. Getting to identify the grass and the birdies and the flowers has me taking note of them and its awesome. There really is a lot of beauty to be found.

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