The sun is officially making a regular appearance around these parts. April is bringing up flowers and giving us hope for warmer days. When our patio can get nice and heated because of the sun, even when it's still a bit cold out-the hope really starts growing.
In just a few weeks we'll be celebrating two years living here. I'm sure a few posts will be in order. My heart and mind has been processing so much these past few weeks because of it all. Living abroad can feel so familiar at this point in time, but it only takes a bit of life change back stateside to remind me of how far we are from home.
My Aunt Betty passed away, and had her funeral this Monday. When an ocean separates me and those I love, it can all feel a bit too much. Thankfully, she is a believer, so the reunion I'll get to have with her is simply delayed. Still, when big life events, whether in this life or the next, happen and I'm not able to physically be present, it reminds me just how hard living overseas can be.
Our kids are doing well. They're testing boundaries and doing a good job of sharpening and growing us. It can all be a bit wearying, as any mother knows. But, I remind myself often that this is all so good-developmentally appropriate-and that this is just a season.
May day is coming up! It's like a Finnish Mardi-Gras. I'm a big fan because one of the traditional foods is donuts...soo....this girl is all about Vappu. Eowyn lives for the balloons that fill the street. For real. She still has last years proudly on display on her wall. Excited to go out on Saturday for the Festivities.
In other news, I'm getting to read some pretty quality books lately. One of which is a book called "Anything" by Jennie Allen and another is called "Eat with Joy: Reedeming God's Gift of Food." by Rachel Marie Stone. Both have been challenging, and simultaneously encouraging for my heart.
I know it's a bit too early to get ansy, but I'm getting reeeeally excited about getting to back to the states come June. We get to visit family-I have seen my nephews in the flesh for TWO years-and we get to celebrate one of my dearest friends as she marries her love. June promises to be such a good month-with travels and weather. I seriously can't wait. It didn't help that I ordered a few things for the trip early, in anticipation of things coming super late like they did last year, and lo and behold they came early. Eowyn was runnin' around in her rash guard swimsuit just waiting to get wet. Girl's ready for summer.
In the meantime, we're doing crafts, taking walks, and making the most of the daylight hours. We're enjoying our sweet friendships, and working through the hard bits of life. Overall, things are looking up.
Hope April has been kind, and if it hasn't. I pray May is especially good.
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