Life Lately :: August 2016


The month of August has seemed particularly slow to me. It seems like July was ages ago.  Yet, it's been a pretty fantastic last month of summer. We've been to beaches and islands. Had our fair share of ice cream and park visits. We're transitioning into rain boots and library visits and a good summer cleaning has got this mama feeling a whole lot lighter as we head into the months of schedules and more structured days.

While this may not be news to many, to the few that haven't spoken with us directly, we have a bit of news! We're moving sometime soon(ish)! When? We don't know. Where? We don't know. It's about as ambiguous as it those answers feel. The ambiguity isn't really new for us, however. Before we moved to Finland we were 'on the docket' for just over a year. While it seems somewhat certain we won't be waiting that long, it looks like we'll be moving sometime before 2017. Unless, you know things change.

All that to say, we're getting to live week by week. We're back to that familiar 'in between' that I actually write a fair amount about on my super secret (just kidding) essay blog . The in-between  and I are friends now. She and I are comfortable with the blessings and struggles we bring to each situation-so we're making the best of our repeated friendship. We're making our way through picking up leaves and taking comfort in the way that time is literally passing before our eyes. Autumn is a screaming reality of that. Time is passing! Each day there's new colors and a new season approaches. Winter here can be a bit of a tease here, but autumn seems to be pretty steadfast and true. She always comes.

In other news, our kids are still humbling me by the day both by their sweet hearts and their moments of complete defiance. And so it goes. I used to think I didn't pray enough, but I'm starting to learn that I'm whispering non-stop to the Big guy. I just needed to be operating at the end of my sufficiency to be in a place of perpetual prayer. Which is yet another reminder how much I needed motherhood, and how sanctifying it has been for me.

Ben is working hard and often as usual. This is one of the main reasons for our departure. When we talked through what we want for our next season, the words we used to describe it aren't found here. It feels freeing to say that. To admit to the reality that with all of the fantastic opportunities of living abroad, the percent of time actually spent experiencing 'those opportunities' isn't sufficient for what we feel called to as a family.

We're hoping the next season has a bit more of what we're pursuing. But, as it always goes-we never know till we get there.

One thing I am sure of is this: God has been faithful through this season-this one not yet over-and he will be faithful in the seasons to come. Whether it is more of exhausting weeks and weekends worked, or if its more slow and steady cherishing. He's faithful.

On to the autumn! I'm looking forward to experiencing my favorite season. 

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