Sprague Christmas 2014


We had a sweet time for our first Christmas here in Helsinki. Breakfast was eaten, presents were opened, Jesus was celebrated. Eowyn had the capacity to open only about 3 presents at a time which made Christmas-present-opening an all day event for our girl. I'm thinking we might do that every year rather than a mad dash to get through them all. We'll see how she feels next year. She opened a few in the morning, played fully, then opened a few after naptime, and lastly opened a few after dinner. I love how even simple things like pajamas or a toy plushie is plenty to keep this girl entertained. It makes giving gifts to her that much more fun when we know she'll take time with her treasures one by one. :) We bought her a slew of musical instruments which lead to full family concerts. I think we might be the next family band.

The sun peaked around 11 (which is like...the 8 o'clock sun for all of you Minnesota folks) so we hiked out and enjoyed the sunrays on a short walk. Everything was closed, leaving our street fairly silent and beautiful to walk through-especially with fresh snow on the sides of the roads. It was cold. Also, I forgot my scarf, so I got to try out my hair beard. I now have a deeper understanding of my husband.

We came home, made a nice big Christmas dinner complete with all the fixings-most of which were made from scratch since we don't have all those fancy things the states has and enjoyed the evening. It may have been the tastiest feasts yet. It was all that a quiet Christmas should be.

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