Proof Ben is the Best Dad Ever


The story goes as follows:

We went to IKEA for the billionth time, and Eowyn ran for the tube in the play area. Because Ben kind of likes Eowyn a lot, we snuck one into the cart for home.

Before bedtime, we busted it out. Eowyn screamed and clapped and played.

She wanted to share the joy of the tube, and invited us to come in. I barely fit, but managed to army crawl my way through.

 She then, had another party to persuade:

Demonstration time.

Drum roll....


Best 10 minutes I've had in Finland yet. My belly ached from laughing while watching that guy shimmy through. True love right there.

If only I would have thought to record it, that way I could replay her squeals of joy for infinity.

 Best. Dad. EVER.

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