Happy Twenty-Nine!



It's your birthday! The big Two Nine!

In a  lot of ways things have turned out far better than I could have hoped when it comes to getting to be your wife. Things have certainly changed in both of us over the past years, but you have through all these years been the same brave man who isn't afraid to move towards what lies ahead. The same daring guy that pursued a very saucy girl some 7 years ago is the man who carries that bravery into moving towards us daily. You're the same guy that continually takes the courage needed to say 'yes' on the wild adventure we're on. You're the same guy that can creatively work out any problem, isn't afraid of hard work, and yet has a deep understanding the place 'fun' has in making life worthwhile. You're brave enough to put work in its place, your hobbies in theirs, and your family and Christ right at the top.

And I'm super honored to be yours.

You've turned out to be an incredible dad, an even better husband, and a guy who can make the best pancakes and tacos on the face of this green earth. You've managed to work hard in everything you do, lead us in a pretty awesome marriage, dominate at difficult board games, take your family across the world (the very thing you told a 19 year old Brittany that we'd do,) grow some babies, work through grief, lead your family time and time again back to Jesus, achieve some pretty epic gaming achievements, hike a few awesome inclines, navigate the emotions of a woman for half a decade, swim in a few oceans, have two sprague girls completely head-over-heals for you, and take some pretty great pictures along the way.

And that's just since I've known you.

Well done on a well-lived life so far. Getting to be living and breathing next to you is one of the best gifts I've been given. You're a man that's easy to be proud of.

Happiest of Birthdays! Cheers to getting to put 29 candles on that chocolate cheesecake you'll be getting and celebrating your birthday in FINLAND. Woah, Ben. Woah.

You done good.

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