Tuesday's Letters


Dear paint set, for the past 2 weeks I have been letting the children I've been entertaining play with you. Today, however, I played with you too. 6 cards later I realized I was hoging all the paper and paints...oops. Thanks for making me feel like a 4th grader again, and for getting  my fingers all messy. Dear Captain Awesome, You are indeed awesome and I'm happy you are mine. You looked ridiculously attractive walking to work today. I checked you out the whole time. For real. Dear Laundry, why should I wash you? You're just going to get dirty again.  Dear crazy children that have taught me ALOT about what it means to be sassy. You make me feel quite cool, and quite sassy, I kind of want to start shaking my finger and getting some sway in my walk like you do. Unfortunately, I'll just look odd, while you all look adorable and cool. Dear Hus to the band, Pretty sure that being married to you is like mixing pop rocks and soda, and then doing back flips. It makes me so happy I explode.

* P.S. 'Tuesday's letters is originally an idea of Today's letters. Definitely check them out. They're incredible. 

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