Cool things you should know....


1. I just tried on all of my clothes from last spring and all  my favorites still fit. Hazah.
2. Ben is dying my hair RED this weekend. and I'm P.U.M.P.E.D
3. We are going to go on adventures to find a missing comic book on Saturday. I love missing comic book Saturdays.
4. On Sunday, after church-I will be going to a concert of my favorite band in the world. Which is amazing.
5. I got rid of a bunch more clothes. And it makes me happy.
6. I found 6 inch red heals that I haven't worn since sophomore year in high school. I showed ben and he thinks they're hooootttttt (Added emphasis by me. He actually stated. Wow you're tall. Which i know translates to 'sexy')
7. My favorite tastes in color and foods are changing.
8. Ben and I decided we don't ever want to be billionaires.
9. We laughed at people getting lost in the parking lot. Then felt sorry for ourselves because they had a beeper to find their car....we have none. Two points for those lost folks.0 ben and brittany.
10. I smelt the first rain on the pavement smell of spring and that made me more happy than words can express.
11. I miss my Mom.
12. We held a puggle. (pug+Beagle) and I want one. For real.
13. I love my bible study.
14. I love my husband

15. I love my God.

Over and out.

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