Hi Baby! 24 weeks!


(if its hard to read, click on the picture and it'll make it larger!)

These pants are magical. Not only did I find them for under 20 dollars down in Florida, but they still fit me. Say WHAT?! yes. Yes. they do. I'm near the point of naming them. (As is proper for every inanimate object that I love.) I dont know whether to call them some magical name filled with whimsy-which would be appropriate, or call them something more practical like "My favorite purple pants." I'm thinking "magic pants," "hot threads," or "unicorn dream pants."

In equally exciting news, this weekend we have very little plans. For having weekends typically be hectic, having this weekend off is leaving Ben and I both a wee-bit giddy. Board games and various other adventures will be included in the next 48 hour period.

Ben and I were talking about just how pleasant life is right now. We'll be going to hawaii in a week and a half for Ben's company's Annual General Meeting, ( I briefly mentioned last year's here.) I have one month left of LDI before summer comes and preparing for our baby really begins. I get to take Ben to meet the whole Thompson clan to Colorado this summer, and seeing Ben in preparation for this Baby puts a certain kind of joy in my heart.  The layers of Ben being a good man are always much deeper than I think. I become amazed, and sooner than later, he's showing yet another way He's an awesome husband. That little girl is one blessed nugget. I'm a blessed nugget.

I've also been thinking about just how blessed we are to have what we have. Talking about all the stuff we need in preparation for a babe can, if I'm not careful, cause me to begin to be in a attitude of want. In reality, we have everything we need and then some. Being realistic about that, and even about what we really will be needing for our baby has allowed a lot of contentment with where we're at.

Praise the Lord.

Hope you all have one happy happy weekend and take some time to realize just how much awesomeness is going on in your individual lives!

Over and Out.

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