Hi Peanut, peapod, snuggle puff, jiggly puff, squishy pie,
You're almost three and a half months.
Your smiles keep coming. Your hair is starting to get a fuzzy sheen that is the precursor to curls and those blue eyes are starting to get little flecks of what sometimes look like brown and sometimes look like green. You'll be happy to see that I'm chilling out as your mom. I'm guessing you realize that I'm more willing to do a lot of things. I'm quicker to relax about things. And have exchanged my philosphy for trying-to-plan-and-prepare-for-any-and-all problems to a more respond-as-problems-arise approach. This has seemed to relax you a bit too. You sometimes wake up from your naps and just hang out in your room-looking around for several minutes. I think you're learning the value of being alone. I'm glad that you're at least getting a taste for that. While I'm sure you'll love being with us every-single-second in toddlerhood, I also think you might not-you might enjoy doing some playing on your own. I'm happy for that. Happy to see where your creativity takes you as I remember my own days of getting to just be. Imaginations can run wild when you're left alone to explore it.
I've been reading some fun books while we rest together and one of them is of a girl that has to pick which group of people she'll belong. Its a fun read, but it has me thinking a lot of what you'll be. What are you at your core? How has God fashioned that little soul of yours? I am excited to discover with you. And I hope I'm wise enough to know when to let you explore those things on your own.
But I'm also learning to not borrow trouble from tomorrow. I'm learning to enjoy your goofy smiles and letting today fill up my thoughts and I'm learning to be. God has all sorts of excitement for today-and I'm learning how to let that be my portion.
I'm excited and blessed that you're my babe. You're a keeper, Eowyn. A gem.
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