Jesus Lessons :Mark Study


Lessons I've learned about Jesus in the first 8 chapters of mark.
By Brittany Sprague

1. There are more words to describe him than I have available in my brain.
2. For a good part of his ministry he didn't even call himself the Messiah. His Actions screamed it for himself as did everyone around him.
3. He knew his stuff.
4. He saw everyone as chosen. and sick. and he was ready to heal them.
5.A lot of people didn't want to get better-and he didn't come for those. He came for people who know they're sick.
6. He isn't interested in my fancy performance. He's interested in my heart.
7. He's got this under control.
8. He's more patient than me.
9. I'm the slow learner.
10. He's real enough to make me relate with him, but God enough to prove he doesn't need my help.
11. He knows my heart and loves me the same.
12.He's inclusive.
13. He's a ground-leveler
14. He's ready to change a life. completely.
15. He's a God of the spiritual kingdom and This physical one.
16. Even people that didn't know him, knew he was 'Lord'
17. He  healed, cast out demons, preached, change the Law, showed authority over nature, fullfilled the scriptures, discipled, showed people compassion, took care of thousands of peoples physican and spiritual needs, broke laws of physics, and proved that He's the God of the old testament, the God of the people who didn't even know what to call him. The God of today, That he had finally arrived. And the Time. Had. Come.
18. That this Gentile, that I get to be apart of the blessing he has for his people. That I'm a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
19. he's ready for deep conversations, and hard questions
20. That he is the Messiah. the Annointed One, the Holy one of God, the Son of God, the son of Man, the Lord, the Teacher, the Christ

And thats just in the first 8 chapters.

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