My birthday was the most awesome day ever.


 Last week I opened my present up early to find the most amazing dress form. Whom (yes its a being) I love dearly. After much joy and elation, I now have a dress and a skirt in my closet-both of which look pretty decent, if i do say so myself.. But to be honest, I was a little worried. Was it going to be like the time my parents let us open up all our presents on christmas eve, and then when we woke up christmas morning we were sad because there were no more presents? I was concerned. Not that birthdays are all about presents....I was just worried that If i enjoyed in the celebrating now, i wouldn't have any left over for the actual day. Ya know?

Fast forward to Birthday week.
  • Day 1-Ben lets me buy the most gorgeous dress ever to wear on my birthday (Point number one)
  • Day 2-Brittany gets to see awesome Amy and feel all giddy about how awesome my friends are.
  • Day 3-BIRTHDAY-
    1. brittany wakes up to breakfast in bed.
    2. brittany drives to see awesome sister and spend the day laughing and checking out pretty places with wee little babes
    3. brittany drives home to be surprised by CHINESE TAKEOUT. This is more than a girls dream. This is heaven on the best day of my life. I love Chinese food. I love takeout. I love that Ben ordered takeout from a Christian Chinese joint (as was discovered by the giant Jesus Mural on the wall.)
    4. Then we return home to open gifts from Ben's awesome family
    5. Ben takes Brittany shopping to buy most beautiful necklace and not one but 3 pairs of shoes. Yes, thats right. Three. Pairs. of. Shoes.
    6. Ben watches silly love movie with brittany and tells her it 'actually has quite a creative twist.'
    7. Awesomeness

One would think "wow ben, youre pretty awesome. No. He's more awesome then you could ever dream.
Flash forward to Bible study the following night. We're driving and where does he go? No-he doesn't go to their house first, he goes and picks me up a DELICIOUS ICE CREAM CAKE!!!!!!

Which i get to share with my favorite friends and we play games and laugh till our belly aches.

It might just be the best birthday ever. I take that back. It IS the best birthday week. Ever.

And now its friday and I get to spend my evening with my amazing family. Driving home into the awesomeness that is Wisconsin while delighting in my super-awesome Ben.

And that. My friends, is how a girl feels so much love she bursts.

Lesson? Ben gets a million points for making this birthday so filled with happyness I cried. twice.. My sister gets the eternal awesome sister award for making the day filled with smiles and giddiness. and everyone else involved gets an electronic giant hug from me for really teaching me to celebrate. Ben's family is the best at this. I love that. I love my families. If you want a real hug, you can have that too.
All i can say is this:

I am Blessed.

Over and Out

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